Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Alexander blasts Attorney General’s attack on Michigan’s oil and gas industry
RELEASE|June 4, 2024

State Rep. Greg Alexander this week called upon the Attorney General to rethink her plan to sue job providers in a critical industry vital to Michigan’s economy.

Alexander, joined by 31 of his colleagues, sent a letter opposing to Attorney General Dana Nessel’s radical plan to use lawfare to go after businesses in Michigan’s oil and gas industry.

“The Attorney General is trying to weaponize the court system to target an industry that plays a vital role in the daily lives of people throughout our community,” said Alexander, R-Carsonville. “Not only do these businesses create jobs that put thousands of our residents to work, but they also help us fuel our vehicles, heat our homes, and power our daily lives. The people of Michigan would be much better off if the Attorney General focuses on addressing the criminal activity that plagues our state, rather than targeting Michigan businesses with politically charged lawsuits.”

The letter, addressed to Attorney General Nessel, reads in part: “Your decision to pursue a partisan and political stunt by suing Michigan job providers is deeply troubling. The oil and gas industries are a critical part of our state’s economy, and this unprecedented lawfare could end up harming thousands of hardworking Michiganders.”

A full copy of the letter is available here.


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