Michigan House Republicans
Stemming the tide of population loss in Michigan
RELEASE|September 6, 2023

By: Rep. Pauline Wendzel 

Just recently, Bridge Magazine published an article showing that the number of jobs in Michigan is not expected to grow between now and 2030.  The article cited data presented at the state’s annual Occupational Outlook Conference. 

Our state has seen a pattern of new laws and bills in the Legislature that strap unnecessary regulations on hard-working business owners and raise costs for working families.  These actions absolutely have consequences and should serve as a real wake-up call. It’s well past time to prioritize issues that are going to help our state compete and ensure Michiganders can live, work, and raise their families here. 

For example, the Democratic majority passed a prevailing wage law, which raises costs of projects for schools, local governments, and the state.  This is an indirect tax on Michigan residents and ensures we get less bang for our buck when completing projects. Another example is the “green dream” proposed energy mandates that will increase costs for Michigan families while decreasing reliability. When a business wants to locate in our state, a top concern is whether there is enough energy to power their facility and meet their needs.  If we rely on intermittent renewable sources, that answer quickly becomes no.  

Michigan ranks 49th in population growth since 1990, according to data released earlier this year. If we want to grow our state, we need to follow the example of states that have succeeded over the last 30 years. Partisan policies like these, which make life more difficult for Michiganders, take us in the wrong direction and make way for further population loss.

Michigan House Republicans

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